PGMDE Events Portal

Health Education England

Introduction to Supervision in Primary Care for Shift Supervisors
17 Jul 2025 09:00 - 17:00

For clinicians (doctors, nurses, AHPs) who are keen to get involved in supervision of learners, supporting their training and their educators in practice.

Perhaps you have been asked by the trainer in your practice to supervise a GP or nurse learner clinic, or practical session/shift. Perhaps you are keen to discuss cases with learners or offer feedback on their performance. Or maybe you'd like to lead a tutorial.

A fully interactive, face-to-face one day course introducing important concepts in medical education including workplace supervision skills, feedback, assessment etc and enabling practice of these skills in a safe space.

This is not a course that leads to approval as an ‘Educator’ for sign off purposes, but aims to support those who are keen to start getting involved or develop their skills for supporting education in the workplace. Please note this course is for those with a supervisory role for postgraduate learners; apologies it is not suitable for those still in training themselves e.g. GP Registrars.

Please note that to become a GP trainer/Educational Supervisor the approved GP Supervisor Course is necessary.

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Venue: TBC

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