PGMDE Events Portal

Health Education England

Assertiveness in Clinical Practice
11 Apr 2025 09:30 - 12:30

This is a three hour workshop delivered via a virtual platform.

Session outline 1. It will be an interactive session. So this will include some teaching with comments and questions in the chat, some breakout rooms of 2/3 people and some group sharing using voice. 2. Introductions (voice) 3. What is assertiveness - sharing the win-win approach to communication (teaching with chat interactions) 4. Basic technique (a bit of voice sharing with a couple of participants trying out the basics - OR a private breakout room experience with feedback for the group) 5. Self-esteem as a foundation to assertive communication. Getting attendees to share what they are good at! (breakout rooms). 6. Feelings (teaching with chat) 7. Boundaries (teaching with chat) 8. BEAR as a tool for dealing with boundaries crossed (group voice or breakout rooms) 9. Saying no and other techniques - testing the techniques against their scenarios (group voice or breakouts) 10. Lessons from Negotiation theory and avoiding conflict (teaching with chat interactions) 11. What will you do next - action planning (group chat/voice) Eligibility: Healthcare professionals within London and KSS specifically: Healthcare professionals between Bands 5 to 8 in a recognised training scheme such as nurse preceptorship or development for more specialised clinical roles: Pre-registration pharmacists (1 year post degree programme based in trusts); pre-registration pharmacy technicians (2 year programme employed by trust); Foundation Pharmacists (2 years post registration); Clinical Pharmacists undertaking the 18 month General practice pharmacist training pathway as part of the NHS England pilot Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists who hold a London / KSS training number (Foundation years until CCT) London doctors who have completed and passed the entry requirements and have been offered a placement on the London Inducting, Returning and Retaining the Workforce schemes. Please see PSU's eligibility here:

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Venue: Virtual - Zoom

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