PGMDE Events Portal

Health Education England

AKT Exam Preparation Course
10 Apr 2025 13:30 - 16:30

This is a half-day workshop delivered via a virtual platform. The workshop aims to provide an understanding of the working of the AKT examination and how to prepare for it using the core objectives outlined below:

To share a broad overview of the AKT examination in the wider context of general practice
To help candidates appreciate how questions are typically constructed and presented
To encourage candidates to find successful learning and revision strategies and to enhance their examination technique
To highlight the impact of dyslexia and how the exam can accommodate this and other disabilities

This course is open to all, but most suitable for those who may need extra support in passing the AKT, e.g.
• You have previously failed the exam
• You may have additional challenges e.g. you are an International Medical Graduate, have dyslexia etc

Attendance is required.

KSS GP trainees please note: From 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in KSS will be supported by KSS’s own Professional Support & Wellbeing Service instead of the London PSU. If you are a GP trainee based in KSS and requiring support from the PSU please self-refer to the KSS PSW directly after this date.

Capacity Left

Venue: Virtual - Zoom

Registration options:

Delegates registration
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