PGMDE Events Portal

Health Education England

Confident Career Transitions: Stepping into the consultant role
26 Nov 2024 09:30 - 13:00

The NHSE Careers Unit London & KSS team is running a 3.5-hour workshop aimed at senior medical registrars and dentists who are 12 months or less from taking up a consultant post. This workshop aims to support you at this significant transition point in your career. You will have the opportunity to take part in both reflective and future-focused activities with the following aims:
• To reflect on the common themes and challenges experienced by newly appointed consultants;
• To identify core areas to enhance competence as a new consultant, such as effective communication, leadership, administration, mentorship and wellbeing;
• To have the opportunity to appraise existing knowledge and skills against key requirements of the consultant role, and consider how gaps may be addressed during the first 100 days in post;
• To have reflected on next steps and start to develop an action plan to enable a confident transition.

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Venue: Zoom

Register your place on the event

Are you a postgraduate doctor or dentist with a London or KSS training number?

Tue 26th Nov 2024

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09:30 - 13:00
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